Information on Summer Play Schemes:

Information on Summer Play Schemes:

9th March 2016

Cwmbran Community Council and Torfaen County Borough Council have joined forces to improve and extend opportunities for children to play across Cwmbran this summer.

Both Councils have been recognised as excellent providers of Summer Fun for many years, and recent changes by Welsh Government in relation to childcare have provided an opportunity to rethink the current programme.

The Councils have therefore decided to work together collaboratively to revamp their 2016 Playschemes to provide a holistic service to all children and young people.

Councillor Mike Johnston, Chairman of Cwmbran Community Council said "The Playschemes will continue to run for four weeks during the Summer holiday, but the fun will be spread over more sites this year, increasing the opportunities for children to learn and develop through play across Torfaen, especially in Cwmbran.

"We plan to use different sites in the mornings and afternoons to provide more opportunities for children to play safely this year. Each site will be open for nearly two hours for children aged between 5 and 12."

"There will be no charge for the Playschemes this year - making it easier for even more families to attend" added Councillor Johnston.

Councillor Johnston was quick to point that the new arrangements would not see a drop in standards. "Our Councils will be working hard to ensure that our reputation for good quality provision where all children can play safely - and locally - remains intact."

Discussions are currently taking place with schools and other venues to decide on the locations for the Playschemes. We will keep a close eye on the new arrangements to help plan for the future.

Further details of the above arrangements are available from the Clerk to the Council.

Contact details below.

Parents requiring assistance with Child Care arrangements should contact the Family Information Service on 0800 0196 330.

David Collins
Phone: 01633 624152

Thank you / Diolch.

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