Next Week's Arrangements:

Next Week's Arrangements:

14th July 2016

Here are the arrangements for next week at Ysgol Gymraeg Cwmbrân:

** There are no after school clubs next week, apart from Clwb Plant y Tri Arth but there will be no clubs at all on Wednesday. **


Nursery Trip to Zoopadoopa, Cwmbran. (See link to the website below.)
Morning Nursery 10-12.
Afternoon Nursery. 1 - 3.
(We will meet the children there. Thank you.)

KS2 pupils will be walking to the Congress Theatre to practise for the 'Llew Frenin' today. The pupils will need to wear their school uniform and bring a packed lunch please.
(Those who are going have all received a letter. If we don't get the consent forms back by Monday, unfortunately the pupils won't be able to come.)

KS2 pupils will be walking to the Congress Theatre to practise for the 'Llew Frenin' again this morning and they will stay in the Congress Theatre for the afternoon performance. The pupils will need to wear their school uniform and bring a packed lunch please.
(Those who are going have all received a letter. If we don't get the consent forms back by Tuesday, unfortunately the pupils won't be able to come.)

Performance 1 of the 'Llew Frenin': 1pm
Performance 2 of the 'Llew Frenin': 6pm

The pupils will all be there for the first performance but we're kindly asking them to arrive in the Congress at 5:30pm for the second performance.

We will be walking back to school after the afternoon performance. (Those who come to watch in the afternoon can take their child/children from there.) We might be a bit later than 3:30 getting back to school after the performance but we will send a SCHOOP on Tuesday to inform parents / guardians of our expected time of arrival back at the school.


** We will be breaking up for the summer today. The school will be closing at 2pm. **

Forward warning for September:
As Roald Dahl is celebrating a special birthday in September, we will be celebrating his birthday across the UK on September 13th. We will be asking the pupils to dress up as one of their favourite characters from the book on this day. (Letter to follow in September.)

There will be two teacher training days on Thursday 1st and Friday 2nd of September.
The pupils will start back in school on Monday, September 5th.

Thank you for all your support during the year. Enjoy the summer holiday and we look forward to welcoming the pupils back in September.

Thank you / Diolch.

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