Sports Day:

Sports Day:

19th June 2013

Unfortunately the weather forecast is showing rain in Cwmbran on Thursday and Friday morning.

If it is raining we will not be able to use the grass in front of the school.
If it is wet and we need to postpone the sports days they will be held on the following dates:

Foundation Phase/Infants – Thursday (4-7-13)
Junior Department – Tuesday (9-7-13)
Your child will need to wear suitable clothing (shorts, t-shirt, trainers) in their house colour.

Please check the website on Thursday and Friday morning for further updates

If it is dry on Thursday and Friday morning the sports day will begin at 9.30am. If we have any showers during the morning and the grass is dry in the afternoon we may attempt to start again at 1.30pm. This depends on the condition of the grass and the health and safety of the children taking part.

Thank you for your co-operation.

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