This week's arrangements:

This week's arrangements:

27th March 2009

Here are some of the arrangements for this week:

Monday night:
A remembrance service is being held for a very special teacher, Mrs James. School hall at 6:30pm. Everyone is welcome.
(Choir practice before the service, at 5pm)

Tuesday night:
Sports club for years 4, 5 and 6 until 4:30.

Year 6 children are going to Gwynllyw. They will need a packed lunch and sports clothes.
Wednesday night:
Urdd clubs for years 3 and 4 until 4:30.
PTA Disco.

Thursday night:
Choir practice until 5:30.

Last day of term.
Non uniform day: the children can come to school dressed in red, green and white. We ask you kindly for a donation of 50p towards the Urdd fund.

Thank you. Happy Easter to everyone!

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