Our Red Day for Mind:

6th February 2019
We celebrated the commitment of all our pupils with our January Challenge today.
Our January Challenge of 20 minutes of exercise for 30 days came to and end today and we finished with s Red Day for Mind Cymru at the end. Our pupils, families and staff have all done so wall and have fully committed to the challenge.
The School Council also made healty flapjacks and smoothies today which they sold to make a profit of £63 which will also be going towards Mind Cymru.
Claire and Georgie from 'Turn'd Up Fitness' came to hold a dance session with KS2 pupils, staff members and parents / grandparents tonight and another additional £55 was raised for Mind Cymru.
Thanks again to everyone who has contributed towards Mind so far - we'll be collecting the money and any sponsorship forms until Monday.
Diolch yn fawr.