Junior Christmas Concert:

Junior Christmas Concert:

25th November 2014

The Junior Christmas Service will take place on Wednesday, December 10th at St. Gabriel’s at 6 o‘clock.

We’re kindly asking pupils to arrive by 5:30. They will go straight to the vestry and they can be collected here at the end of the service. The service should last an hour.

Year 3 to 5 pupils will be wearing their school uniform to take part. We’re kindly asking the pupils to wear a red jumper or cardigan as this is the school uniform. Also, could they wear black shoes please, not trainers? Year 6 pupils will be wearing different costumes as they will be playing the part of the characters from the Nativity. To keep costs down, we have provided costumes for the pupils playing parts. We have spoken to each pupil about what he/she should wear. The only costumes we can’t find are ones for the shepherds. If your child is playing the part of a shepherd, could they please wear a plain dressing gown? If you don’t have one at home, please let us know and we will try to sort something out.

Leading up to the Christmas service, we will be walking to St. Gabriel’s to practise on some mornings. You have already given your consent for this at the beginning of the year but if you haven’t already done so, please could you give consent to your child’s class teacher as soon as possible?

Gwynllyw’s Christmas Concerts: (Year 6 only)
Year 6 pupils will be taking part in Gwynllyw’s annual Christmas Concert on December 15th at a church in Pontypool between 10 and 12. We will be travelling on the bus to Pontypool, which you have also already given your consent for. The pupils will be back in time for school dinner so the only thing they will need is their school uniform.

If you have any further questions about the Christmas concert, please contact me in the school. If, for any reason, your child can’t participate in the concert, could you also please let me know?

Thank you, Miss Passmore.

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