Our Healthy Eating and Fitness Week:

Our Healthy Eating and Fitness Week:

2nd October 2011

This week, (October 3-7) we will be holding a healthy eating and fitness week in the school.

Healthy eating and well-being are very important and as a school, we are committed to promoting healthy eating.

This week, the pupils can come to school dressed in their training clothes each day as they will be taking part in a number of different activities every day.

These are the main objectives for the week:

Encourage the children to consider how they can improve their health by increasing the amount of physical activity they undertake.

Encourage the children to eat healthily.

Combine the requirements of the curriculum with activities that are different to the usual lessons received by the children.

Provide an opportunity for the children to undertake activities run by outside agencies.

Give the children the opportunity to experiment with new physical exercise activities and games.

Some of the activities include:

Badminton sessions.
Aerobics sessions.
Dance Stars Workshops.
Littls Stars Workshops.
Climbing wall.
Hockey sessions.
Rugby sessions with Tom Wood.
Healthy eating activities.

Each class will also be taking part in an activity to raise money.

We're looking forward to the week very much.

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