African Drummer:

African Drummer:

20th May 2010

Last week the junior department had a very special visit from an African drummer. I’m sure everyone would agree this workshop was a lot of fun and everyone enjoyed themselves!

Last week the juniors were visited by an African drummer. He went with every class showing them how to use this amazing African equipment. Everyone had a great time.

The African drummer brought all sorts of equipment ranging from drums to xylophones and many other pieces that no one had used before! Together the class formed a band and made lots of great sounds!

At the end of the day, the rest of the school had a treat to look forward to as year 6 had been doing this workshop all afternoon forming a performance in front of the whole school. What fun! I can guarantee everyone said they would love to do this again and we hope that in the future this will be possible!

Thank you,
Tomos Rodrigues, (year 6 pupil)

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