Ysgol Gymraeg Cwmbran is open today!

Ysgol Gymraeg Cwmbran is open today!

14th January 2010

The school will be open today (Thursday the 14th of January).

Mr Moore (Caretaker) and Morris' of Usk have done a fantastic job and cleared paths from the front gate to the side entrance of the building. It is a narrow path so please take great care as you enter the school site. Our rock salt supply is now low and we are unlikely to receive an additional supply from Torfaen Council this week.

The staff have also made a great effort to get to the school today and many have travelled on the train from Cardiff.

I would advise all pupils to bring a packed lunch today (Thursday).

School Buses - as normal

* We were informed at 9.10am that school meals will be available for the pupils today.

Please check for further updates on our website.

The main gate will be closed to all cars after 8.30am.

'Clwb yr Tri Arth' (after school club) will be closed today.
There will be no choir practice tonight either.

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